Working with lots of sprites?

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  • My library of sprites in the game is growing rapidly. Is there any good way to bundle them except for placing several of the sprites as frames in an animation? or bundle them as a sprite font? Tilemap doesn't really do the trick since they can differ quite a lot in size. From small pebbles, to buildings, but i want to bundle related stuff in a single object by category, rather than having to scroll through lots of single sprites in Construct.

    Best option so far is adding all my sprites as animation frames, but the layout view doesn't update when i set initial frame for that instance of the object, so I can't really see what I'm placing and how it will look. The benefit of this is that they export as a spritesheet as well.

    Maybe there's some feature that I've missed or overlooked?

  • You can also add folders in the animations.

    You can treat those like sub categories for the animation frames.

    Sprite object

    folder: stones

    Animation stones



    Animation pebbles

    • pebble1
    • pebble2

    folder: foliage

    Animation Bush

    • bush1
    • bush2

    Animation Trees

    • tree1
    • tree2


    I used that approach a lot and you can set default animation

    for tree 1

    Default animation Trees, default frame 1 (or 0 based on zero based index)

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  • I used to add images into different animation of a Sprite object. For example, I got 4 type of penguin enemy and each of them have their own idle animation and gotHit animation. So I got 8 animations in one Sprite.

    You can add in more images into a single Sprite object. But make sure, not to use too many images because you could hit the nasty 10,000 object limit.

    Alternatively, you could design your images as components. Ex. arms, legs, torso, etc. as separate images, assemble them up and animate them using something like ... ter-pro-78 This could reduce number of animation frames and allow compositional design.

    But again, this also depends on what kind of game are you making.

  • lennaert I yes using animation frames works well, but it doesn't seem that the layout view updates and shows the correct frame. Not showing the animation/frame i've set it on, for that instance of the object. Always the first frame of the first animation. Maybe a bug I'm having? I have to investigate.

  • Got it to update now. Don't know why it didn't update before.

  • lennaert I yes using animation frames works well, but it doesn't seem that the layout view updates and shows the correct frame. Not showing the animation/frame i've set it on, for that instance of the object. Always the first frame of the first animation. Maybe a bug I'm having? I have to investigate.

    Sounds like you either had the animation name wrong or tried a none existing frame number for the given animation. That would result in the first animation with frame 0

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