Word Search Game

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Words Search Puzzle Template in Construct 2 and Construct 3
  • Does anyone know if there has been any examples or tutorials posted for a word search game? You have a list of words that can be forward, backward or diagonally within a grid of letters and you need to find the word, click on the beginning letter and then ending letter and if it is correct, strike through the word in the list until you have found all the words in the game. Standard word search game, without the pencil or pen, that is!

    I've been searching the forum and tutorials but haven't found much of anything on the topic yet.

    Thanks for any info!

  • Here's an example:


    The word search is pre-made, making it generate a word search from a list of words is another can of worms.

  • Thanks for sharing, RoJohound...

    I will open it up and see if I can learn what makes it work!

    I did more searching and this is the only other mention of a word search game that I was able to locate, so I thought if you had not run across the post yet, you might find it helpful or maybe you can get some advice from the individual who posted the response.


    Thanks again for sharing and have a great weekend! <img src="smileys/smiley1.gif" border="0" align="middle">

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  • R0J0hound i dont know why but I can not find words which have more than six letters is this a bug?

  • delgado

    The only thing that stands out would be event 11. Change the "repeat 5" condition to the dimension of your letter grid. Ex. 6x6 use "repeat 6", 10x10 use "repeat 10".

  • R0J0hound , can you teach me how to generate a word search from a list of words? I ve made a wordsearch game using your example, but dont know how to generate. Thanks

  • I did it manually. Start with an empty grid and put the longer words down first while trying to find a way to make them overlap. Repeat for as many words as you can fit in the grid. After that just put random letters in the empty spaces.

  • Here's an example:


    The word search is pre-made, making it generate a word search from a list of words is another can of worms.

    This link is not working.... I am trying to make a words connect like game where user connect the letters to find out the word. Like this


    Please help me..

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