Why Does This Happen On Restart?

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  • 7 posts
  • Hello - I have attached capx file for viewing... if you go through the game level hit the spikes and then die and get game over screen - why when you click try again the game dont run right??

  • Since your player object is global, you need to reset it manually, including its behaviors. I see you already reset its instance variables, but you lack a "Stop ignoring user input" to restart its platform behavior correctly.

  • Hello - I have attached capx file for viewing... if you go through the game level hit the spikes and then die and get game over screen - why when you click try again the game dont run right??

    What do mean by 'don't run right'?

    You need to explain more clearly what you think the error is, rather than expecting others to trawl through code, they may have trouble understanding, looking for a bug.

  • Since your player object is global, you need to reset it manually, including its behaviors. I see you already reset its instance variables, but you lack a "Stop ignoring user input" to restart its platform behavior correctly.

    Can you look for me also while you have this capx and tell me why he only shows the climb animation on going up and not down the ladder?

    PS: yes that previous comment helped me figure out the restart issue..

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  • > Hello - I have attached capx file for viewing... if you go through the game level hit the spikes and then die and get game over screen - why when you click try again the game dont run right??


    What do mean by 'don't run right'?

    You need to explain more clearly what you think the error is, rather than expecting others to trawl through code, they may have trouble understanding, looking for a bug.

    if you read what I wrote you would have seen I asked you too load the capx and run into the spikes and DIE you would have noticed at that point the player don't MOVE....

  • The events in the sheet "Movement" are overriding the animations changing events of the sheet "Event sheet 1", especially line 5, which is setting the animation to fall and setting current frame to 0 anytime the player is moving downward. You ought to add a "(negate) Is climbing" to events 4,5,6,7 in sheet "Movement".

  • Yup that works - thanks alot for your help Magistross I follow most your posts...

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