Why does C2 looks slow when I test it on Samsung Galaxy?

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  • This is my second game design. I'm trying to make an arkanoid game. It still at the beginning with almost nothing in it.

    There's a ball with bullet behavior.

    When I test it via LAN preview, I can see the ball move in breaky move, it doesnt move smoothly.

    I know my phone is capable for playing games smoothly, since I play game apps on it.

    So what happens?

  • This is my second game design. I'm trying to make an arkanoid game. It still at the beginning with almost nothing in it.

    There's a ball with bullet behavior.

    When I test it via LAN preview, I can see the ball move in breaky move, it doesnt move smoothly.

    I know my phone is capable for playing games smoothly, since I play game apps on it.

    So what happens?

    the first samsung galaxy s is very old device, and construct2 isn't a good software to made game for smartphone...

    I mean, that's not true at all, but the first problem is the exporting of the project... this is the first problem of the html5 in general... You can't make a good game with html5 if you want to run in old device... You can see a lot of game with a 3d graphics and see how smoothly works, and when you try to make a simple game with 2d design just doesn't works well like the 3d game...this because of the html5, exporting, memory management ...etc

    If you plan to make for iphone 5/5s/6, the game can be good and run very good, but there are always some limitation...and this in the first problem at all...

    the best way, if you plan to make a very easy game like arkanoid, I suggest you to use eclipse and programming everything... You should find some tutorial "how to make arkanoid in eclipse, or C++/java/etc..."

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  • Thanks guys for the information.

    I've tested Coocon, it looks better for the testing.

    The drawback is Cocoon makes my HP very hot and drain battery very quickly.

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