How do I white space in the corner of my game

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White Unicorn sprite sheet for side scrolling action adventure endless runner 2D mobile game.
  • hello my friends when i build the game with . i got a white space in the corner of my game. i use 960.640 in windows size.

    can someone help me to how fix that problem? and thank you

  • hello my friends when i build the game with . i got a white space in the corner of my game. i use 960.640 in windows size.

    can someone help me to how fix that problem? and thank you

    take a screenshot of project properties to see how you set all the parameters of scaling etc

  • hi and thank you for reply this is the screenshot of my settings :

  • hi and thank you for reply this is the screenshot of my settings :

    i can see nothing. try

  • i just fix the link sorry

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  • hi and thank you for reply this is the screenshot of my settings :

    ok, first of all i suggest you to use always true 16:9 resolutions, you are using 960x640, this isn't correct 16:9 resolution, better if you use 960x540 or another from these ... solutions/

    most of today's devices work on 16:9 resolutions, with some tablets exception that still work on 4:3 or similar, but are a minority.

    please post also a screen of you layout when i can see layout size too, and how you manage window content

  • the layout size is the same : 960.640. but before i never get that problem. i heard that something wrong in canvas + . because i use canvas + in to build my game

  • the layout size is the same : 960.640. but before i never get that problem. i heard that something wrong in canvas + . because i use canvas + in to build my game

    so.. try without canvas+

  • > the layout size is the same : 960.640. but before i never get that problem. i heard that something wrong in canvas + . because i use canvas + in to build my game


    so.. try without canvas+

    if i use webview or webview+ the game run extra slow this is why im forced to use canvas +

  • Sorry but I don't use cocoon, i always use cordova+crosswalk

  • Sorry but I don't use cocoon, i always use cordova+crosswalk

    you wrap your game with intel xdk ? i use intel too but the apk exported is too big

  • > Sorry but I don't use cocoon, i always use cordova+crosswalk


    you wrap your game with intel xdk ? i use intel too but the apk exported is too big

    xdk is deprecated, i use Cordova CLI to build android apk.

    anyway, try also changing resolution in 16:9, i think this white band problem could be the NON 16:9 resolution fit-screen, just change all at 960x540, then export and rebuild apk for a quick test

  • >

    > > Sorry but I don't use cocoon, i always use cordova+crosswalk

    > >

    > you wrap your game with intel xdk ? i use intel too but the apk exported is too big


    xdk is deprecated, i use Cordova CLI to build android apk.

    anyway, try also changing resolution in 16:9, i think this white band problem could be the NON 16:9 resolution fit-screen, just change all at 960x540, then export and rebuild apk for a quick test

    ok i will try and thank you very much for your help much appreciated

  • i resize the resolution to 960.540 , but still a little white space appear in the corner. 1280.720 would fix that ??

  • as i said the problem is from canvas + . when i change it to webview+ the problem gone but the performance is very low.

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