Webstorage problem

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  • 6 posts
  • Hi,

    i have always problem with Webstorage... all work good in construct 2 but when i export it as HTML5 website or smiliar, webstorage does not work... NodeJS and CocoonJS work, but in browser after export no.... I test in in my computer and on web hosting too... here is my game if you want to see it: buildasnowman.raiper34.net

    Please fast help me :(

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  • Check your browser security settings. You may not be allowing the game to save data locally.

  • Check your browser security settings. You may not be allowing the game to save data locally.

    Is it the "cookies" on the device the only setting that needs to be enabled? Or is there another setting.     

    And, where do you access those settings, for example, on a cell phone: Is it just through the browser (chrome, explorer)?

    because I did all that, and still my storage value remains = 0.    Which I'm assuming is NaN if I take out my "int".

    tekniko- I love the picture. That's how my IT guy at work wants to reply often.   <img src="smileys/smiley36.gif" border="0" align="middle" />

  • Did you make event when storage does not exist then set storage set 0 for exmple? Or something smiliar... I will see it, i am not home now... It helped for me

  • Did you make event when storage does not exist then set storage set 0 for exmple? Or something smiliar... I will see it, i am not home now... It helped for me

       The concept of "key does not yet exist" was bugging me but all the examples the forum worked on my PC and I can't figure what to do on a device.      I would love to hear what you know.

    any info would help. TY TY


  • Raiper,

    It worked!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    Thanks for the direction. <img src="smileys/smiley1.gif" border="0" align="middle" />

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