For my first project, which is coming to a close I hope, I've settled on PhoneGap for deployment. Works fine for me and deploys easily. Seems each exporter has different limitations which can be a pain of course.
PhoenGap cannot use the GameCenter plugin when using the BUILD tool online, which I am. So I'm leaving that out for now, unless the other Achievements tool (third party) works with PhoneGap... have to check.
In PG, the browser plug-in does not want to link to my site. Is there a way to shell to a browser and bring up a webpage via other means?
Also, is it possible to write XML files? I know I can read them, but I'd like to be able to update them as well in the app. In relation to this, what's the best way to save/read a preferences/options file? I was going to use XML, but if I cannot write that out, it's no good.