video is not working in website

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2D fighting template based in the game that defined the fighting games genre.
  • Hi everyone,

    Actually i had made a game in construct 2 which also includes couple of videos.. while making game when i was previewing it in browser., the video was been playing fine., even when i was making my website (when i had not hosted my site) i exported the game to html5., and try to run it in my website, then also video was being played..

    But when i hosted my site., purchased domain.., after that when i ran that game on website., the video was not getting played., neither i was able to see the video., nor i was able to listen the audio of that video....

    I tried using different formats of video in my project(i:e mp4,webm,ogg) but result is still same.... I also checked MIME types of my website host server., all options and types are available there...

    Please help me out as my whole website is dependent on this game....


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