How can I use%?

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  • 3 posts
  • I want to decrease and increase the variable by% attack. or% defense. I know it can be done like Choose (0,0,1) but this is very difficult. because my variable can be any number. is not automatically used as a percentage?

  • Choose adds a random chance into the equation.

    if you want to increase by percent you just have to express the percentage as a decimal, so 0.1 would be 10%, or 0.05 would be 5%.

    multiply the current attack by the decimal to get the amount to add

    PlayerAttack = PlayerAttack + 0.05 x PlayerAttack

    would add 5% more attack to the current value.

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  • Choose adds a random chance into the equation.

    if you want to increase by percent you just have to express the percentage as a decimal, so 0.1 would be 10%, or 0.05 would be 5%.

    multiply the current attack by the decimal to get the amount to add

    PlayerAttack = PlayerAttack + 0.05 x PlayerAttack

    would add 5% more attack to the current value.

    I don't understand because my english is not good. is it possible to upload an image?

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