With Construct 2, assets are not read from the folder they are placed in, which means you have to reimport assets everytime they are changed. The problem though is that sound effects can't be reloaded like other assets and reimporting them doesn't update to the new sound unless you change the source name.
This have not been a problem for me yet since I haven't done any complicated things with sounds yet. My problem now is that I am using specific names for my sounds and the format is "sound_effect_##" and my game randomly plays a sound by name ending with a random number. Now, I want to update one of those sounds but since the actual sound does not update when you reimport unless you rename the source I'm stuck with the old sound.
Is there a way to remove the (I guess it's a cached file somewhere?) old file from Construct 2 so that I can import the sound anew? Removing the sound and importing it again doesn't work.
Thanks in advance!