How do I do an update?

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  • Does anyone have an example of a .capx and .php file to update, you can send?

    Only this, but can not do it ... I could only register, missing the update.

    Thanked already!

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  • Eltondrknss if someone has a .capx file (eg done in the Construct 2) to update the player's score (PHP and MySQL) and can share with me. I tried many ways more unfortunately did not get ... The only thing that was successfully made the user registration.

    Eltondrknss excuse me, I'm using Google translator to be able to communicate in your language.

  • Does anyone have an example of a .capx and .php file to update, you can send?

    Only this, but can not do it ... I could only register, missing the update.

    Thanked already!

    O que você quer exatamente fazer cara? atualizar o arquivo PHP quando atualizar o capx?

  • > Does anyone have an example of a .capx and .php file to update, you can send?


    > Only this, but can not do it ... I could only register, missing the update.


    > Thanked already!


    O que você quer exatamente fazer cara? atualizar o arquivo PHP quando atualizar o capx?

    roxinhojp exatamente isso!

    Quando clicar no botão sair, pegar os dados e salvar no banco, só que atualizando, entende?!

    Não consigo é fazer isso no Construct 2.. O arquivo em .PHP atualiza quando usado em páginas web.

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