Typewritter text effect scrolls at different speeds

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Adjusting the game screen for different resolutions (Letterbox scale)
  • I've been using the typewritter effect, for in-game dialogue. The timing is set to "Every tick", but some lines appear on the screen noticeably slower than the other lines. Is this something to do with delta time?

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  • Sort of. Fewer frames per second means fewer characters are shown per second. DT is simply the time it took to complete the previous tick. To keep the effect at a constant speed (or as close to constant as possible), you'll need to modify the effect to take dt into account.

    Take a look at this: [attachment=0:2im1s38x][/attachment:2im1s38x]

  • Sort of. Fewer frames per second means fewer characters are shown per second. DT is simply the time it took to complete the previous tick. To keep the effect at a constant speed (or as close to constant as possible), you'll need to modify the effect to take dt into account.

    Take a look at this: [attachment=0:2nd0gu5f][/attachment:2nd0gu5f]

    Thanks for the example file. It looks like I'll have to rework my dialogue system in order to get it like this. Ah well, on to work I guess!

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