How do I

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  • Olá, sou iniciante, aluno de analise e desenvolvimento de sistemas, escolhi meu foco em jogos para web, o constructor 2 parece ser um ótimo lugar a começar a aprender as bases da programação para jogos, das variáveis aos comportamentos e efeitos, sem códigos acho que vou aprender mais rápido toda a teoria da estrutura de jogos. estou muito animado com o software, até já comprei para desbloquear todos os recursos e atualizações.



  • Hello, this is an English-only forum.

    Please keep to English or at least provide a translation with your post to help us out.


  • The translation (according to The Google) just says hello and he's happy to have bought the product.

    So Tonyxgn, bem-vindo and yes, please post your questions in English rather than Portuguese please.

  • By the way... Has anyone considered subforums for specific languages? I see a lot of people who obviously aren't native speakers who have a lot of trouble trying to make themselves understood... maybe that would help and be more inclusive. Just my 2 cents...

  • That has been suggested before and the mods - rightfully so - have said that as they need to moderate, the language must be in English, or provide an English translation.

    They already have enough to do without having to translate a post before responding.

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  • Hmmm. Ok. Well... I would gladly help anyone who speaks portuguese or spanish as I am fluent in both, but... That makes sense.

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