How do I

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  • Hello everyone, I am a new member, Yeritengqi, hope everyone more business.I want to ask, how a screen on the background of hanging above the object from the right side of the screen to the left side disappear, height is not the same as continuously produce?Hope you to help me, thank you

  • I'd assume English is not your native language, it a little difficult to understand your question. Did you mean how to create a background that move from the right to the left and then dissapear? (With different height or position on Y axis each time it appears) Maybe like a cloud in the background of a Super Mario Bros game?

    Can you show how do you want the background do? Or maybe you can point out some examples in other game that had a similar feature.

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  • Excuse my poor english . like flappy bird's toppipe , from the right side of the screen to the left side disappear and continuously produce

  • Excuse my poor english . like flappy bird's toppipe , from the right side of the screen to the left side disappear and continuously produce

  • Excuse my poor english . like flappy bird's toppipe , from the right side of the screen to the left side disappear and continuously produce

  • Do New and type flap in the search box to find the 'Flapping bird' template.

  • yeritengqi As pointed by blackhornet, you can learn how to do those things you want from the Flapping bird and the auto runner tutorial.

  • yeritengqi As pointed by blackhornet, you can learn how to do those things you want from the Flapping bird and the auto runner tutorial.

    oh ,thanks very much .

  • yeritengqi As pointed by blackhornet, you can learn how to do those things you want from the Flapping bird and the auto runner tutorial.

    oh .thanks very much

  • Do New and type flap in the search box to find the 'Flapping bird' template.

    thanks very much

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