How do I Make Top-Down Physics?

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  • Hi, i'm trying to make a GTA-Hotline Miami Open World Game and I Need Top-Down Physics. Sort of Like

    I Crash into garbage cans with my car. I want those garbage cans to slide on the ground and stop. I have something like it already with setting the physics gravity to 0 But that makes the Garbage Cans move Forever. Same thing with dead bodies.

    I want something like this



  • I believe you'll want to increase the linear damping property of the physics behavior.

  • I believe you'll want to increase the linear damping property of the physics behavior.

    Thanks! I'll Try that!

  • I believe you'll want to increase the linear damping property of the physics behavior.

    It Just Sinks to the bottom of the game...

  • You could make the carbage cans use bullet behaviour instead. On collision you have them shoot away on impact in the direction you want. Set speed 0, set bounce off targets to yes, no gravity. and set acceleration to -2000 or something. On colission you set the speed of the bullet to same speed as the car+a bit extra.

    I think it could work something like that.

  • Sinking to the bottom is probably gravity?

  • You could make the carbage cans use bullet behaviour instead. On collision you have them shoot away on impact in the direction you want. Set speed 0, set bounce off targets to yes, no gravity. and set acceleration to -2000 or something. On colission you set the speed of the bullet to same speed as the car+a bit extra.

    I think it could work something like that.

    Alright, I'll test that!

  • > You could make the carbage cans use bullet behaviour instead. On collision you have them shoot away on impact in the direction you want. Set speed 0, set bounce off targets to yes, no gravity. and set acceleration to -2000 or something. On colission you set the speed of the bullet to same speed as the car+a bit extra.


    > I think it could work something like that.


    Alright, I'll test that!

    Cool! its Pretty Close to What i wanted! Thanks to both of you guys!

    Just one problem. It only has an impulse from one direction. How do i get it to have impulse from where ever the car hit the object?

  • Try angle(car.x,car.y,object.x,object.y) to get the angle between the car and object, and apply the impulse at the same angle.

  • I thought the bullet would bounce in the right direction.

    try use ..on collision, bounce off object. it might work

    otherwize you could try set bullet angle to same as cars direction of motion.

    set bullet angle of motion to: Sprite.Car.MovingAngle

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  • I thought the bullet would bounce in the right direction.

    try use ..on collision, bounce off object. it might work

    otherwize you could try set bullet angle to same as cars direction of motion.

    set bullet angle of motion to: Sprite.Car.MovingAngle

    I fixed it! i was playing around with the events and actions and did

    Car On Collision with testphys > Set Bullet Bullet Speed to 450

    Set Bullet angle of motion to Car.Angle Degrees

    Thanks for all your help!

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