How do I Time Instances

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Time rewind like in "Braid". Choose objects that will be affected by time rewind
  • hi guys =)

    i ned you help and i will appreciate it

    see... i have this hammers that come down and crush the player..

    but... what i want them to do... is to every hammer to have their own timer to time when whey will axecute a code instead of doing it at the same time... i tried doing it with a instance variable... but, still i does not look good, if you pay attention the left one has 1.5 s of time and the right one has 6 but they only wait once and then they take the same time to go up and down

    another problem i have with my exmaple is that if you pay attention when the hammer go up... and hit the limit... they are supposed to totally stop but, for some reaosn the keep going up slowly, i dont know why they do that... so i will appreciate if you could help me here aswell

    can you give me a hand with this?? check out the .capx below

    im planing to do... disappering platforms (like in the classic megamans) but before that i need to resolve the time problem..

    thanks for any help =)

  • Here you go...

    I substituted the bullet behavior for custom movement (that was why the hammers were creeping upwards - don't know why but I'm not a fan of using bullet behavior for things that aren't bullets). I added a timer behavior to the hammers and used that to trigger their falling - they are selected by UID at the start of layout but you could easily add a variable and select by position number etc if you wanted.

    Edit - attachment deleted (see the example below - it's better IMO).

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  • Ignore the last one - this is even better. It uses a for-loop to set the timer value at the start of the layout according to the instance variable you set (better for editing in the layout view).

  • Ignore the last one - this is even better. It uses a for-loop to set the timer value at the start of the layout according to the instance variable you set (better for editing in the layout view).

    thanks a lot =) i will check it out and report my findings

    Update... Thanks a lot it looks and works great!!

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