How do I make a temporary Every Tick Event?

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  • 3 posts
  • I need RainbowBalloon to teleport to the Player every tick after I collide with Balloon, I've tried

    Player -> On collision with Balloon -> Play Audio "Item"


    l--> System -> Every Tick -> Set RainbowBalloon position to Player

    but it sets position to the player once.

  • For these kind of events it's easiest to work with instance variables:

    give the balloon a boolean instance variable ConnectedToPlayer

    -Player On collision with Balloon

    Play Audio "Item"

    Balloon set boolean variable ConnectedToPlayer to true

    • Balloon is ConnectedToPlayer

    > Set Balloon position to Player

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  • For these kind of events it's easiest to work with instance variables:

    give the balloon a boolean instance variable ConnectedToPlayer

    -Player On collision with Balloon

    > Play Audio "Item"

    > Balloon set boolean variable ConnectedToPlayer to true

    - Balloon is ConnectedToPlayer

    > Set Balloon position to Player

    Thanks so much!

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