How do I stop a sound from continuously playing?

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  • In my events sheet, I have it set up where it'll play a sound when a certain variable is true. The thing is, it plays it, but it won't stop! It just keeps playing the sound infinitely!

    How do I fix this? Any help is greatly appreciated!

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  • Create a sub event and use

    Some Condition = true

    System>Trigger once while true> Play Music

    Set Condition = false

    As long as a Condition or Variable is true, it's true every tick so you need to switch it off or back to "false". If the music is not set to loop, it will only play once.

  • Create a sub event and use

    Some Condition = true

    System>Trigger once while true> Play Music

    Set Condition = false

    As long as a Condition or Variable is true, it's true every tick so you need to switch it off or back to "false". If the music is not set to loop, it will only play once.

    Thanks! Y'know, I've never tried using that condition before... I never thought it could be used like that! Mind blown! :O

  • You probably can use a blank sub event, in place of "System>Trigger once while true". The main thing is including the event to "Set Condition = false", because when something = true, it's true every tick, triggering the events under the condition.

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