THanks sqiddster. I would love to use instances of the same object instead of clone, but then you cant name them (if you name one instance, it renames them all. Also, I need to pin one instance to one object, and one instance to anther, and this is not possible as you only see one instance, not two, in the object picker for pin.
Pretty much all my duplicate images (they are just that) end up as cloned sprites. I experimented with using tiled backrounds to represent my dumb UI images, but these are limited in that you cant put them in families etc. I experimented with pining them to a 1px invisible sprite, and putting that sprite into the family, but it was just too complicated to maintain them all.
To be honest, I have found almost no cases where I can use copied instance of the same object, you almost always have to clone them so you can give them different names, or move them to different places etc. The only place I have ever used a copy is when i used it with instance variables, and then only need to operate on them in loops. But usually, you just want to grab a specific instance without the tediousness of looping through them all to find it (especially as the parameter of a function which requires you to pick an object form a list).