Get Steam leaderboards to work with the Steam 4C2 plugin?

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  • I've bene scratching my head about this for some time now. I'm using the Steam 4C2 plugin to integrate Steam functionality, and everything works except leaderboards. Achievemtns unlock, it connects, it even finds the leaderboard, it just won't upload anything to it.

    I've attached a file of what I'm doing. Also can be seen here:

    Score being a global value.

    Like I said, it can find the leaderboards, and I'm running through Steam, and I've double-checked the leaderboard names etc.

    Has anyone used leaderboards with Steam4C2? I've emailed the author, but haven't gotten a response.

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  • I've bene scratching my head about this for some time now. I'm using the Steam 4C2 plugin to integrate Steam functionality, and everything works except leaderboards. Achievemtns unlock, it connects, it even finds the leaderboard, it just won't upload anything to it.

    I've attached a file of what I'm doing. Also can be seen here:

    Score being a global value.

    Like I said, it can find the leaderboards, and I'm running through Steam, and I've double-checked the leaderboard names etc.

    Has anyone used leaderboards with Steam4C2? I've emailed the author, but haven't gotten a response.

    I've been having some Problems as well.

    One leaderboard works just fine, the other one (set up the same!) doesn't work.

    I've tried so many times now..

    Same for Achievements, some won't work for whatever reason.. (it should by name and everything... because the other achievements work..)

    Also, scirra store is down..

    Meh, and this plugin was 70,- :(

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