How do I make sprite destroy when falling from platform

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  • i'm create side scrolling endless run end i want to ask how do i make my sprite dead when falling from platform


  • create a trigger

  • Either compare the Y or make tiled background, spread it under your layout and make a on collision event to destroy the sprite

  • Simply try something like this :

  • if your layout size is appropriate for it you can also just add the "destroy on outside of layout" behavior to your player. And then whatever events you want to follow that.

    Or you can also set a Y coordinate (or collision box) that will respawn your player at its starting position if the player overlaps either of these.

    There's a number of ways to handle it, just study the basics and be creative!

  • Simply try something like this :

    i tried this one, but it doesnt work

    i want to make like this

    if my sprite fall from platform then go to layout "game over"

  • > Simply try something like this :




    i tried this one, but it doesnt work

    i want to make like this

    if my sprite fall from platform then go to layout "game over"

    Then, try with this:

    Also, here I uploaded a capx with the code and is fully functional:

    capx download

    Hope this will works for you

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  • >

    > > Simply try something like this :

    > >

    > >

    > >


    > i tried this one, but it doesnt work

    > i want to make like this

    > if my sprite fall from platform then go to layout "game over"


    Then, try with this:

    Also, here I uploaded a capx with the code and is fully functional: capx download

    Hope this will works for you

    thanks for the help mate

    i have figure it out

    thanks a lot

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