How do I Make a Spot / Surch Light,

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  • Hi,

    I am building a garage and would like to be able to look around it with a flash light,

    Am I right in thinking this will use 3 layers ?

    The background, with a car/sprite on it / Layer 0

    A lights off layer {all black} / Layer 1

    The Flash light as a sprite with a transparent middle / Layer 2

    how do I set it that I can see the car though the hole in the flash light sprite ?

  • I have got this down to setting the opacity to 100 when overlapping ,

    However the whole of the sprite image is set to 100,

    How do I set it so just the overlapping pixels are set to opacity 100 ?


  • So many ways to do this, all depends on how dark you want the room that is not lit, so on and so forth.

    What if you just had 2 layers? One for the background with items you see and a layer on top of that with a hole you can see through and move that whole layer? Of course the canvas for the top layer would extend beyond your window in all views. There are certainly other tricks along this line with just 2 layers, again, it all depends on the exact type of look you are going for.

    Maybe you are going for an effect like in this game? ... 688/switch

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  • So many ways to do this, all depends on how dark you want the room that is not lit, so on and so forth.

    What if you just had 2 layers? One for the background with items you see and a layer on top of that with a hole you can see through and move that whole layer? Of course the canvas for the top layer would extend beyond your window in all views. There are certainly other tricks along this line with just 2 layers, again, it all depends on the exact type of look you are going for.

    Maybe you are going for an effect like in this game? ... 688/switch


    I am a bit lost in how to do this <img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/icon_e_sad.gif" alt=":(" title="Sad" />

  • Here's an effect you can use: ... 5-lighting

    just below it is the capx

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