Spawn Collision box on an animation's ImagePoint

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Punch the boxes as hard as you can and crush them all!
  • So I have my player character setup an animation sprite attached to the platform player box.

    Since I have so many different attacks, I would like to spawn a specific hitbox onto 1 specific animation's custom image point.

    I made it so the image point only exists between frames 5-8 (since this is where the player is actually attacking in the animation.)

    Here's a caption of how I'm spawning the box


    Here's the .capx

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  • I don't see any questions in your post, is this something you need help with or is it a guide?

  • Sorry, It was late and I was tired, and I posted a horrible description haha. Here's a much better described and updated post.

    I am trying to spawn a specific hitbox onto 1 specific animation's custom image point, but can't get it to work.

    So I have my player character setup as an animation sprite attached to the player box.

    I have imagepoint1 (strikeboxpoint) set to different spots, depending on the attack. Since I have so many different attacks, I would like to spawn a specific hitbox onto 1 specific animation's custom image point.

    I made it so the image point only exists between frames 5-8 (since this is where the player is actually attacking in the animation.)

    Here's an image.

    <img src="" border="0">

    Here's the .capx


    what am I doing wrong?

  • i have the same problem in my game <img src="smileys/smiley19.gif" border="0" align="middle" /> someone help?

  • I think you have to use numbers in stead of the image point's name.

    And i was also trying to spawn the object on frame 1 image point 2 when the impage point only existed at 5-8

  • if the image point only exists in some frames, you have to make sure that the particular frame that has it is being evaluated at the same time the event runs or else the image point won't be there and the event will not work. that is about the only way I can figure it. why not have more animations (for each scenario) and then have the collision box available in all frames of the particular animations it is needed in?

  • also make sure if using names you put quotes around them "

  • I actually have it check which frame of the attack it's on before spawning a collision box in my game.

    You just check if the animation is playing, and the specific frame along with a couple other personal checks and it spawns the hitbox in that frame on that imagepoint.

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