How do I make a spaceshooter arcade type of game?

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Fully animated top down pit bull type dog game asset
  • So I've been developing another spaceshooter game, which is not an improvement but rather; a first game for my studio/indie game development team. It's pretty basic, I've used the basic formation spawning system like in the Example "Space Blaster", since I am a beginner, I want some in-sights from experts, I am currently stuck at this idea by implementing boss fight, since it is an arcade type of game, there will be no boss fight, except a level based game mode.

    So I've already achieve a star-parallax effect, like in galaga, except this feature was an example of one of the templates. And also I've already achieve every basic fundamentals of a arcade typed spaceshooter. However I feel anxious regarding the full game release, since, after all, I am a beginner. I did achieve the basic fundamentals of my game, the only thing to add is enemies and game modes.

    So in conclusion, if you are not interested in reading the whole thing, I need an advise by an expert regarding my game.

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  • So I'm confused... do you need to know how to do a boss fight or not? 🤔 lol because you said you're stuck on boss fights but there will be no boss fights so I couldn't tell what you needed.

  • It actually depends on the circumstances, I only want the knowledge to make a boss fight, which I have no knowledge at doing such thing in this type of genre.

  • It actually depends on the circumstances, I only want the knowledge to make a boss fight, which I have no knowledge at doing such thing in this type of genre.

    Here... Try this out. It should get you on a good start.

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