Sound glitchy? in need of advice.

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  • Hi! <img src="smileys/smiley1.gif" border="0" align="middle">

    Im building a top down F1 racing game.

    I have finaly managed to build the authentic F1 car sound into the game.

    The only thing is, that when the cars go faster and faster the sound becomes glitchy.

    It sounds like a really bad internet connection while listening to streaming audio.

    For as far as the "sound" of my cars, im filled with enthousiasm.

    If i could only get the glitchyness out off the way then it would be great!

    Demo at



    Controlls are.

    (R) Accelerate

    (Space) Brake

    (Left arrow) Steer left

    (Right) Arrow Steer Rigt

    (1) Watch the other racers. (Maybe the best option if u just want to hear the glitchyness)

    Please take a look.

    Any insight would help allot!

    Thanx in advance <img src="smileys/smiley10.gif" border="0" align="middle">

  • is a good site to quickly convert something.

    I convert to .WAV then import so that Construct 2, does it's default conversion. it will be very big, don't worry. after import delete the .Wav version of your sound.

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  • Hi Erndog2k

    Thanx for your reply.

    The thing is that i already used wav to let Construct 2 do its conversion.

    My guess is that it does not have to do with the file size.

    The .wav file i have imported = 15.4kb

    I have also tested bigger file sizes and with them came the same problem.

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