[Solved]Missing objects when go to other layout ?

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Go kart
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*************** Go kart game sprite ****************
  • Hello

    I just make a layout to choose which level do players want to go.

    The code work like this:

    On XXX is clicked→ Go to layout XXX

    However, when I go to level two (only happens in level two), lose the game, and choose level two again, most of objects on level two disappear (not on the screen)

    avatar, map, land, tree all disappear, only UI bar and some items which use "create objects" to spawn on layout.

    C2 create/load objects before go to layouts, so these objects which are placed in layouts should be appear without write an event like "create object", isn't it?

    And this problem only happens in specific level....

    Does anyone know why would this happen? How can I fix it?

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  • Check that these objects are not set as Global.

    Run the game in Debug Mode and check if these objects really disappear (zero instances), or maybe they are invisible, or off-screen, or on invisible layers etc.

    If nothing else helps, please post your capx.

  • Check that these objects are not set as Global.

    Run the game in Debug Mode and check if these objects really disappear (zero instances), or maybe they are invisible, or off-screen, or on invisible layers etc.

    If nothing else helps, please post your capx.

    It seems like some objects in my level two are set as Global.

    Thanks for your answer.^^

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