[SOLVED]increase speed after collision for a limited time

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Have you ever dreamed of playing in a Speedball game or tournament?
  • Greetings Everyone, I'm a beginner of Construct 2 and I'm making a platformer game. I was wondering, how do I make my "main character" increase speed for a short amount of time after colliding with a "power-up/object" and making that "power-up/object disappear after that.

    Thank you for any replies.

    Sorry for a noob question

  • Hey Euma,

    maybe this gives you an idea. Not a Platformer, but the same principle:


    (Open in C3 - https://editor.construct.net/)

  • When (Your Character) collides with (Powerup), (Your Character) set max speed to (The faster speed), Wait 5 seconds, Set his max speed back to normal.

    Hope I helped :p


    Using "wait" for tasks like this is a bad idea.

    Imagine there are two power-ups. You pick one, run to another one, which takes you 4 seconds, pick it up. So your superspeed should recharge to 5 seconds, right? However, in 1 second that "wait" from the first power-up triggers and your speed returns to normal.

    Or another situation - player hits Menu or Pause button. How do you pause "wait"?

    So don't use wait, use Timer behavior instead.

  • All of you Thank you so much for the help, much appreciated. All methods work but I followed kriand and dop2000 advice. And again thank you so much to the three of you

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    Using "wait" for tasks like this is a bad idea.

    Imagine there are two power-ups. You pick one, run to another one, which takes you 4 seconds, pick it up. So your superspeed should recharge to 5 seconds, right? However, in 1 second that "wait" from the first power-up triggers and your speed returns to normal.

    Or another situation - player hits Menu or Pause button. How do you pause "wait"?

    So don't use wait, use Timer behavior instead.

    I use C2 still, so I don't have timer.

    (mostly because c3 has no one time purchase)


    What are you talking about? Timer behavior is included in both C2 and C3, even in free versions.


    What are you talking about? Timer behavior is included in both C2 and C3, even in free versions.

    Crap, I thought it was a plugin. Found it in behaviors. I've never used it in the multiple years I've had C2, and a lot of other behaviors aswell

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