I'm working on some basic AI for enemies.
Basically the enemy moves straight then hits a hidden trigger that causes it to stop and walk the opposite way.
But I'm having an issue where when it hits it flips the sprite upside down.
Here is the .capx for the issue.
Event 3 => enemy1 set angle 180.
Remove this and change for enemy1.set mirrored
This method (changing the angle) is obsolete since r69.
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Thanks for the help!
That worked but now they don't move the opposite way.
Here it is with changes.
I can't seem to get it to move the opposite way and flip the sprite. It's only one or the other.
Try this:
<img src="http://quak.laurig.de/step06.JPG" border="0" />
That worked! Thank you! :3
Though according to Kyatric using Set Angle is depreciated.
Is there a way to do that with out using depreciated ways?
Updated link with Weishaupt solution:
Use the action set mirrored/ set not mirrored, not flip.