Set UID?

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From the Asset Store
Act on your instances, get/set their properties and variables only thanks to their UID. No more picking trouble! Plugin
  • Hello guys,

    I'm having a problem while making my game ..

    It creates a bubble every two seconds .. When the user clicks Pause the bubbles UID is higher than the dark pause sprite .. Here's an image :

    <img src="" border="0">

    I want the bubbles UID to be less than the Pause menu ..

    Another picture :

    <img src="" border="0">

    Here's a link to the game : GAME


    Hady Hayman (IamHadzy)

  • you can't set uids

  • mindfaQ I know .. But is there's anyway i can fix this from happening ?

  • use other conditions/selectors, like:

    Global variable (paused = 0, set it to 1 when paused, set back to 0 when leaving the pause, add a condition to popping the bubble: paused = 0 so that it is only possible when the game is not paused)

    Deactivate an event group when pausing, so that the events in that group are disabled. When you continue the game, the group should be activated again.

    If you have problems with the z-order, just put the stuff that is supposed to overlap the bubbles to a layer above.

  • use other conditions/selectors, like:

    Global variable (paused = 0, set it to 1 when paused, set back to 0 when leaving the pause, add a condition to popping the bubble: paused = 0 so that it is only possible when the game is not paused)

    Deactivate an event group when pausing, so that the events in that group are disabled. When you continue the game, the group should be activated again.

    If you have problems with the z-order, just put the stuff that is supposed to overlap the bubbles to a layer above.

    Well .. mindfaQ this isn't the problem i am facing .. The problem is the bubble is shown in front of the pause menu ...

    Any solution to make the pause menu stays in front of it?


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  • Layers or Z-Order

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