How do I select the last object created? [SOLVED]

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  • For example, say I have a block and I have a System event that creates a new block. How can I select only this newest created block and move its location without moving the last one created? I can elaborate more if needed.

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  • When objects are created, they are immediately picked by default, so any actions you have affecting this object only affects the newly created instance within the same event.

    A more advanced topic would be if you wanted to specify only the last created instance of an object in an expression - you can do this with the IID - Sprite(-1).Expression, where the -1 represents the last created instance of this object.

  • [quote:2d2iu0vo] A more advanced topic would be if you wanted to specify only the last created instance of an object in an expression - you can do this with the IID - Sprite(-1).Expression, where the -1 represents the last created instance of this object.

    This worked beautifully. Thank you!

  • Already solved, but may I suggest UID instead of IID? UID is more reliable, and never changes unlike IID.

    Have a global variable, and set it's value to the following, right after you spawn a new object (when you tell the game to):


    Then in conditions that require to be instance specific (such as lifting a pot in Zelda), you set a pick UID condition, except set it to the global variable name.

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