Scrolling Problems...

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  • Hello! I experiance problems when I try to set up a scrolling platform game. When I try to make the character scroll outside the layout, the character seems to leave off screen. How can I make the character scroll?

    Any help would be appreciated and sorry for my bad english :).

  • Try and set the "ScrollTo" behavior on your character. That means that the screen will follow the character and scroll if needed.

    Remember that the window size must be bigger than the layout size, otherwise there is no room to scroll and the character will leave the layout.

  • Also there is a layout property "unbounded scrolling" that allows scrolling outside the layout.

  • Try and set the "ScrollTo" behavior on your character. That means that the screen will follow the character and scroll if needed.

    Remember that the window size must be bigger than the layout size, otherwise there is no room to scroll and the character will leave the layout.

    Thank you for your reply, CodeMasterMike. I am going to try it! (Now rebooting to Microsoft Windows :))

    Also there is a layout property "unbounded scrolling" that allows scrolling outside the layout.

    Thank you for your reply too, but I have already used the layout property "unbounded scrolling", but nothing happened :(((( Is this a bug in the Construct 2 release?

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  • also you can use scroll with lerp it gives good effects ^^

  • Remember that the window size must be bigger than the layout size

    Actually, that's the opposite (:

  • Thank you everyone. I solved my problem by applying the "ScrollTo Behaviour" in my main player sprite.

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