How do I scroll a layout?

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  • Hi! I´m trying to make an App that allows you to scroll up/down (like in the YouTube App, where you can scroll on one layer when you touch the screen and move your finger up/down), but I can't find any action that changes the position of a layer. Is there any option, or do I have to change the position of every single object whenever I want to scroll? Thank you for your reply!

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  • Invisible panel > add behavior (drag and drop) > set it on horizontal or vertical (which ever you want) > pin all the object on the invisible panel

  • Thank you I'm going to try now.

  • You're welcome Enjoy!

  • You're welcome Enjoy!

    Sorry, how can I make that the invisible panel doesn´t go out of the layout limits in the x-direction? (The scrolling is only in the y-direction)

    I´ve tried making the panel solid and putting solid objects on the left and on the right side, but it didn´t work. I also tried comparing the X of the invisible panel, and if it was not equal to 0 it had to set its X to 0. This did almost work, the problem is everything moves outside the layout (when dragging) and once you finish dragging, it jumps to the correct position.

    Once again, thank you

  • set it on horizontal or vertical (which ever you want)

    clarkkentnicdao Sorry, how can I make that the invisible panel doesn´t go out of the layout limits in the x-direction? (The scrolling is only in the y-direction)

    I´ve tried making the panel solid and putting solid objects on the left and on the right side, but it didn´t work. I also tried comparing the X of the invisible panel, and if it was not equal to 0 it had to set its X to 0. This did almost work, the problem is everything moves outside the layout (when dragging) and once you finish dragging, it jumps to the correct position.

    Once again, thank you

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