in my game i have a score global variable which shows you your score on the screen , but once i die & click try again it doesnt show the score anymore in the game does anyone know how to fix this?
if you attach your CAPX, we can help you.
Your project file. Save it as a capx and upload it here.
This is how I am doing it in my game.
I add a text object to the canvas and then evertick run this action
i have mine just like that but everytime i leave that scene & reopen it ,it wont show the score
Upload the capx so we can have a look
Heres photos of it before i click retry
heres after i click retry
heres event sheets first sheet is for the game scene & second is for the you are dead scene
It would be a lot better if you upload the capx so we can debug the problem for you.
im trying to upload it but everytime i click add file it doesnt add it
With the information you give us if you do not see a reset all the values or where initialize, it would require the file .CapX
Yes mate. Post ur capx, get it solved quickly.
Here is the game I promised. Remember I have taken some code out. All you do is look at it and modify as you wish. Please pass this knowledge to everyone. Because sharing knowledge better then keep it to one self
Develop games in your browser. Powerful, performant & highly capable.
Respect Lordshiva1948