School Project Final Senior Grade! Help Please!

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Game with complete Source-Code (Construct 3 / .c3p) + HTML5 Exported.
  • So i'm making a top down shooter but I have to incorporate education purposes into my game so I wanted to make a easy thing where you find notes and then to get past the door you have to use the notes to answer the doors question but i have no clue how to apply this! any tips?

  • when you say " clue how to apply..." are you having problems with the type of questions the door should ask? it could ask math questions [10+50= what] and a pop up screen comes with 3-4 answers and the player has to select the correct one.

    or are you having problems implementing it? a portion of the game could be a top down shooter where to destroy enemies to collect a certain amount of XP and when you have enough XP points, then your ship warps to the door/gate way where you have to solve the riddle to get past?

    not sure what you're having concerns with, but hope this help in a little way.

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  • I mean i have no clue how to do that. hyem

  • If someone could explain thatd be great!

  • when you say " clue how to apply..." are you having problems with the type of questions the door should ask? it could ask math questions [10+50= what] and a pop up screen comes with 3-4 answers and the player has to select the correct one.

    or are you having problems implementing it? a portion of the game could be a top down shooter where to destroy enemies to collect a certain amount of XP and when you have enough XP points, then your ship warps to the door/gate way where you have to solve the riddle to get past?

    not sure what you're having concerns with, but hope this help in a little way.

    Do you think you could show me how to do what you said above?

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