Save system

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  • Hi all,

    This is my first post so i'd like to start by saying that this is a fantastic game creation tool (and surprisingly affordable with the early adopters!). For that I thank you. <img src="smileys/smiley32.gif" border="0" align="middle" />

    I was just wondering if it is currently possible to have a Save and Load game feature within construct 2 itself? And/Or what type of save and load system are others using?

    I have searched through the forum and found Zack0wack0's Plugin (which to my understanding saves data into the browser itself) but my concern is that once i turn the game into an iphone app for example, the "Store the data in the browser" method wont work anymore.

    Here is a link to Zacowackos plugin if you havent come across it yet.

  • The webstorage plugin is even a part of C2's install for several versions now, you don't need to download it from the forum thread.

    The post is useful as documentation though.

    Also, even on Iphone it will still work in the browser, so the datas should still get saved into the browser and the plugin should work.

    I can't say for sure that it works, since I don't have an iphone or smartphone to test it on. If you do, your best shot is to give it a try.

    Another way would be to send the datas via AJAX to a website that would save them in its database. AJAX tutorial - related topic

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  • Ahh ok i did notice the web storage folder in there when i installed zacko's plugin.

    Thats great to hear Kyatric thank you for such a quick response!

    If someone doesnt beat me to it i will be sure to post the results of how it worked on an iphone.

    <img src="smileys/smiley41.gif" border="0" align="middle" /> Cheers.

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