How do I save progress in an account(cloud)

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  • Hi guys,

    Making a game for my website. I want players to be able to make an account, login, play the game and save it to their account. So they can access their game progress on different pc's and continue. Is this possible with construct 2?


  • No one?

  • With the ajax object, you can communicate with a server, and so write znd read from a database

    How exactly is however outside my knowledge

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  • With the ajax object, you can communicate with a server, and so write znd read from a database

    How exactly is however outside my knowledge

    ok. Yeah i found some stuff about microsoft azure, but i have no clue how to make accounts and save the data. Couldn't find a tutorial or manuel about it.

  • There are a few tutorials in the tutorial section on connecting to mysql database and php.

    If memory serves me correct - one was username password connect and other multiplayer.

  • There are a few tutorials in the tutorial section on connecting to mysql database and php.

    If memory serves me correct - one was username password connect and other multiplayer.

    ok i will take a look again!

  • > There are a few tutorials in the tutorial section on connecting to mysql database and php.

    > If memory serves me correct - one was username password connect and other multiplayer.


    ok i will take a look again!

    Multiplayer Tut

    And login

    enough info in both to achieve what you want.

  • >

    > > There are a few tutorials in the tutorial section on connecting to mysql database and php.

    > > If memory serves me correct - one was username password connect and other multiplayer.

    > >


    > ok i will take a look again!


    Multiplayer Tut

    And login

    enough info in both to achieve what you want.

    thanks for the links!

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