How do I rotate object without changing angle

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Simple resize and rotate events for any sprite, quick and easy event sheet that you can use for your own projects.
  • I gave an object the rotate behavior but when i play the game the object rotates on a weird axis. Basically i juist want the sprite to rotate, but the entire object is moving in a big circle. Whats going on?

  • Do you have the behavior bullet and rotate on the same sprite? If so bullet will move at the rotation angle.

  • The most common cause of that behavior would be if the origin point of your sprite is placed outside the object. If that is the case all you need to do is to center it.

  • Do you have the behavior bullet and rotate on the same sprite? If so bullet will move at the rotation angle.

    Yes they're on the same sprite because i want the bullet object's sprite to rotate.

  • The most common cause of that behavior would be if the origin point of your sprite is placed outside the object. If that is the case all you need to do is to center it.

    The origin point is centered.

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  • You could try to use 2 separate sprites, one with the rotate behavior and the other with the bullet behavior. Pin the rotating sprite to the bullet sprite and make the the bullet sprite invisible.

  • > Do you have the behavior bullet and rotate on the same sprite? If so bullet will move at the rotation angle.


    Yes they're on the same sprite because i want the bullet object's sprite to rotate.

    If you use both and want that effect, you have to go to the Bullet properties of the sprite and on Use Angle of Motion, turn it off.

    The bullet will then spin with rotation but it won't change its course, it will fly straight.

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