How would I make a rope swing?

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This sound pack features 117 game sounds : Axe,Punch Swing & Hit & Damage. This is a perfect collection for your game.
  • I want to get an idea for how plausible this would be to create. The idea is that the player can shoot a rope at a designated area, then swing from there to the other side, similar to the rope swings in Sonic 3 but the player can make them spawn at certain locations. Would this be a possibility in Construct 2? If so what would be the best approach to making this kind of system?

    All help appreciated!

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  • I want to get an idea for how plausible this would be to create. The idea is that the player can shoot a rope at a designated area, then swing from there to the other side, similar to the rope swings in Sonic 3 but the player can make them spawn at certain locations. Would this be a possibility in Construct 2? If so what would be the best approach to making this kind of system?

    All help appreciated!

    Have you tried the Search facility?

    Throws up lots of threads, some with example .capx attached.

  • > I want to get an idea for how plausible this would be to create. The idea is that the player can shoot a rope at a designated area, then swing from there to the other side, similar to the rope swings in Sonic 3 but the player can make them spawn at certain locations. Would this be a possibility in Construct 2? If so what would be the best approach to making this kind of system?


    > All help appreciated!


    Have you tried the facility?

    Throws up lots of threads, some with example .capx attached.

    Thanks man!

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