How do I remove scrolling?

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  • Hi ,

    is any one know how to remove extra scrolling of page?

  • Do you mean Zoom in?

  • Do you mean Zoom in?


    i wanna remove scroll bar .

  • The scroll-bar appears because the window size in your project has greater dimensions from your screen resolution+browser size.

    Use Letterbox Scale on the Full screen on browser properties.

  • The scroll-bar appears because the window size in your project has greater dimensions from your screen resolution+browser size.

    Use Letterbox Scale on the Full screen on browser properties.

    letterbox scale property is already set still scrolling is there.

    is anything need to set?

    see m having one start page which contain few links to games.

    games are perfectly fit according to screen but star up page having scrolling bar.

    thanks for reply

  • april123 without looking at your capx I cannot say but, if you do not mind then send us your capx and I will try to sort it out for you

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  • I agree with Lordshiva1948 that would make us understand better the situation.

    Although, I am still betting that your "Window size" dimensions are higher that what your screen can display. Can you confirm that? Tell us what are your project's Window size dimensions and what is your monitor's resolution..?

  • Hi everyone,

    My problem is solved.

    i set <body style="overflow-y:hidden"> in exported index file.

    feeling happy.

    Thanks to all for replying my post.

  • Hi everyone,

    My problem is solved.

    i set <body style="overflow-y:hidden"> in exported index file.

    feeling happy.

    Thanks to all for replying my post.

    Great info!!!!


  • Hi everyone,

    My problem is solved.

    i set <body style="overflow-y:hidden"> in exported index file.

    feeling happy.

    Thanks to all for replying my post.

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