How do I remove iOS Status Bar - Intel XDK

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Custom animated Health Bar - check youtube video to make it yourself
  • Hello. I made a game that is also available on iOS. I use Intel XDK to build the file. But I'm getting stuck and really frustrated here ...

    All I want to do is to remove iOS Status Bar.

    I've been looking around for times but was unsuccessful. I mean, all the information, including on this forum and tutorials, is scattered and contradictory. There's no simple tutorial or anything to do that. I read all of these things: "It works well when building for iOS.", "I have problems with status bar", "I cannot hide status bar on iOS", "Is there a way to hide status bar on iOS?", "Tick 'Hide status bar' inside C2", "Tick 'Full Screen' inside C2", "Ticking 'Hide status bar' and 'Full Screen' doesn't work", "There's a plugin for that.", "Use StatusBar plugin.", "What to do with this plugin?", "Where can I get this plugin?", "What can I do?", "It's Intel XDK's fault, not ours", "It's C2's fault" etc.

    Could somebody, please, write down the steps (and what to tick, select, add, plugins (with links) etc.) to remove iOS status bar when building with Intel XDK?

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  • I assume you are checking "Hide status bar" when exporting from C2?

  • I assume you are checking "Hide status bar" when exporting from C2?

    Yes, I do check "Hide status bar" in C2.

  • grigrizljac Did you ever resolve this issue?

  • grigrizljac Did you ever resolve this issue?

    Nope. I discontinued the development of that app. Also, I had too many troubles testing it on iPhone (couldn't test until it was uploaded to the App Store).

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  • grigrizljac - I found a solution in another post that works. From user correncec

    I don't know if anybody's still needing help, but I managed to hide the bar by including the Status Bar plugin within Intel XDK and then from within my app, using the Browser's Execute Javascript action to call "StatusBar.hide();"

  • grigrizljac - I found a solution in another post that works. From user correncec

    I don't know if anybody's still needing help, but I managed to hide the bar by including the Status Bar plugin within Intel XDK and then from within my app, using the Browser's Execute Javascript action to call "StatusBar.hide();"

    Thanks for the tip, I will try it if I make any more updates.

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