How do I remove black bar at the top?

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  • Hi all,

    I am still having this problem even after updating to the latest version of construct 2.

    There is a black bar on every game I upload on the server.

    It literally destroys part of the experience.

    I have tried everything and this game is using layout settings as default.

    This black bar is on top of the browser.

  • We will need your .capx for this.

    Could be related to the "fullscreen in browser" setting in the project properties.

  • We will need your .capx for this.

    Could be related to the "fullscreen in browser" setting in the project properties.


    Even a complete blank file should show the black bar at the top.

    Also here is what I got from the project:

  • What is the result if you set "Fullscreen in browser" under the properties->configuration settings to "off"?

  • What is the result if you set "Fullscreen in browser" under the properties->configuration settings to "off"?

    Sorry for late response!

    This is what I get:

    And I tried all of the available options, it seems like letterbox scale is the best one.

    And it always shows that black bar on top when uploaded to the server.

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  • Well, the image you uploaded shows no black bar inside the actual frame (the grey bounding box).

    That means that what causes the black bar, is that your project's width and height don't match with the browser rendering window.

    Could you try exporting to NW.js (all three checkboxes unchecked) and tell me what you see?

  • Well, the image you uploaded shows no black bar inside the actual frame (the grey bounding box).

    That means that what causes the black bar, is that your project's width and height don't match with the browser rendering window.

    Could you try exporting to NW.js (all three checkboxes unchecked) and tell me what you see?

    On nw.js it shows perfect. I think this has to do with the server configuration maybe. It adds that black line for some weird reason.

    When I open the project on my browser from construct 2 run, it works fine.

    When I upload the game, it adds the black bar.

    The game has a resolution of 960x640.

  • Where do you upload your game to if I may ask?

    I probably can't help you anymore from this point on..

    I still believe that the project property "Fullscreen in Browser" might be the issue.

    But, seriously, I don't really know..

  • Where do you upload your game to if I may ask?

    I probably can't help you anymore from this point on..

    I still believe that the project property "Fullscreen in Browser" might be the issue.

    But, seriously, I don't really know..

    I upload it on my own website.

    Though I will need to try it on a different website to completely verify.

  • you use letterbox.

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