I've noticed that while preloading audio files, memory usage tends to spike pretty high. The problem I'm having is that after all preloading is complete, the memory stays spiked. I thought construct dealt with memory on a layout-by-layout basis, but even after switching layouts the situation remains.
I've tested this in preview, html5 export, and node-webkit. What's strange is that sometimes the memory will actually dip back down after preloads completed, but it seems to only happen randomly. Even with no event changes on my end.
I should note that I'm preloading several songs but that shouldn't be much of an issue. I know it's not being executed the same way but here's an example of 12 3-minute audio files being loaded with html that only uses about 150m kevincennis.com/mix . When I try to load the same amount of tracks of approximately the same length, memory usage shoots up to 650m.
I don't think it's a coding thing on my end but here's the capx file anyway - minus the audio for file size dl.dropboxusercontent.com/u/55037611/AudioLoad.capx . If what I'm experiencing isn't a bug, is there a workaround I can use to flush the memory somehow, but keep the audio files ready for playback? Thanks for any insight.