Receive Paypal, Send Game Automatically

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From the Asset Store
Paypal PHP Supports multiple platforms, Web/html5 Android, IOS. (Including storing transaction data)
  • Hello Scirra Community!

    I've been wondering about the following.

    How can I charge for the complete version of a game (via paypal), and once I receive the payment, a computer or server automatically sends the .exe to the gamer(costumer).

    Any services you may recommend!?

    For example, Scirra does it once you buy a personal license via paypal.

  • I've heard good things about BMT Micro.

  • This would be more of a web design issue rather than construct-specific. You can use any typical method to send a file automatically after a payment. A good start is the fact that almost, if not, everyone sets it up so that the file download is sent in an email after payment.

  • Thanks Arima! BMT MIcro sounds great!

    Thanks grimwolf! But do I have to program the website (i.e. PHP) in order to tell the server that the file has to be sent after payment?

  • Well , Steam , Or Desura maybe ?

  • there's Gumroad:

  • Hello Scirra Community!

    I've been wondering about the following.

    How can I charge for the complete version of a game (via paypal), and once I receive the payment, a computer or server automatically sends the .exe to the gamer(costumer).

    Any services you may recommend!?

    For example, Scirra does it once you buy a personal license via paypal.

    There's also Wordpress + Payments pro

    or Joomla + OSE

  • Whiteclaws: Sure! I'm considering Desura and Steam!

    California: Gumroad is exactly what I need right now! Thanks!!!

  • Try Construct 3

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  • cool jeg <img src="smileys/smiley41.gif" border="0" align="middle" />

  • I don't think steam is a good option. I've heard that you need to put down $100 just to be considered by them, and then your game gets pitted against a mass of others to see which one users prefer and gets voted in.

    It would be crazy money if you actually got your game on Steam, but you need to have either one hell of a game or just stupid blind luck, combined with a pre-existing mass of followers who use steam and can help vote it in.

    Not easy.

    On top of that, I don't know if they even accept HTML5 games. Though if they don't, that would be horribly ironic considering they accepted Construct 2 onto it.

  • grimwolf: LOL! Sure, publishing via Steam seems like a HUGE endeavor. I'm going step by step--focusing on making a personal game. Steam is too far away right now for my projects!

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