random call word

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Voice call plugin based on webrtc protocol for construct 3
  • hello all,

    I am trying to call a random word.

    I have got it to work with a txt file with " , " between the words.

    But I need to also call a second part that matches the first.

    I have tried to call it from an xml file. Where selected = word and image.

    But have failed to make the mods required.

    any advise on this matter would be very gratefully appreciated.

    Thanks again. Jeremy C

  • I don't really understand..

    What is the relation of text2 and text3 to text1?

    I mean, couldn't you just set a local variable to the random number and use that variable in the expressions?

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  • I don't really understand..

    What is the relation of text2 and text3 to text1?

    I mean, couldn't you just set a local variable to the random number and use that variable in the expressions?

    The object is to expand my spelling b game. where text has image and words.

    Yes! last night I did something like what you suggested. I set images with variables letter1, letter2, letter3 and so on.

    As I would like to have 20-30 words it seams that this might work, as I was able to call random frame.

    set text to word and adapt my org. code for on click or on key pressed. if letter = yes show else try again .

    I know stop trying to over complicate it. it is just a game and as long as it works why rack you brain for a better way of doing it.

    Have fun and enjoy. Jeremy C.

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