How do I put Icons on Intel XDK

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From the Asset Store
Small pixel icons for the 3 most popular controller types.
  • Yes I am constantly getting a broken image Glitch as seen here

    that is all I need to complete to finish my app

    is the icons/splash screen but always ends up breaking once uploaded to the intel xdk

  • Welcome to the forum. 😊

    Icons have to be in the same directorty as the .xdk file. Also, i think they have to be png's. Does that help?

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  • I have tried those methods placing icons in same directory and png format

    same result intel xdk after I upload it on it breaks the image

    Thanks for the welcome ^^

  • About over five hours in I realized this YOU NEED too put in the icons before you export it if you try to put in the icons after you export it (in my case I was dragging the icons into the folder after it finished)

    Intel XDK WILL count it as a broken and invalid image THIS IS exceedingly important and please this will save you time if you are working with the same format as me dont make the same mistake import your icons in CONSTRUCT 2 first before exporting

  • cruzcontrol31 thats not how it works it might of made it work for you but as said above it just needs to be in the directory

  • About over five hours in I realized this YOU NEED too put in the icons before you export it if you try to put in the icons after you export it (in my case I was dragging the icons into the folder after it finished)

    Intel XDK WILL count it as a broken and invalid image THIS IS exceedingly important and please this will save you time if you are working with the same format as me dont make the same mistake import your icons in CONSTRUCT 2 first before exporting

    You're a life saver!

  • You're a life saver!

    This thread was 3 years ago and following this advice you won't be able to put the icons properly.

    Intel XDK has a new version that creates a folder for you to put the icons in outside of C2.

    Export C2 to Cordova, create your icons and splash screen separately then when you try to add icons in XDk, click on any of the add icon options then XDK will create a separate folder for you to paste your icons in.

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