How do I properly control these chain segments?

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  • I'm having a little trouble getting revolute points to work properly, I'm sure it's something I'm doing wrong but despite reading guides and following example capX's I still can't get it to work.

    In my editor window I have these three objects places underneath each other - Spaceship, chainlink1, chainlink2

    My event sheet looks like this

    However when the game runs I get this

    Why do they all of a sudden move down the screen when the layout begins? It seems that the distance between the objects grows as I move them up the screen and they don't 'stick' to each other in a similar fashion to a chain.

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  • I'm having a little trouble getting revolute points to work properly, I'm sure it's something I'm doing wrong but despite reading guides and following example capX's I still can't get it to work.

    In my editor window I have these three objects places underneath each other - Spaceship, chainlink1, chainlink2

    My event sheet looks like this

    However when the game runs I get this

    Why do they all of a sudden move down the screen when the layout begins? It seems that the distance between the objects grows as I move them up the screen and they don't 'stick' to each other in a similar fashion to a chain.

    Hmm... ?????? the only time I've seen this happen was because I gave my objects the platform behavior and it made the object fall. Also check to see if you have an event that might have it setting your sprite in the wrong place. Sometimes I miss stuff like that. It's always the smallest mistakes we miss lol

  • There are a few examples of a chain made with Physics in this post:

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