I have problem with sprite size display

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220 Food Sprites in 16x16 pixel size. Perfect for items for a retro style game.
  • Hi,

    I have problem when I try to add background or sprite big size(500x500 or more). I dont see full image, but when I run layout I see that in normal size.

    I have intel hd graphics 3000 on windows 10. I am update driver but problem is the same. Any solutions?


  • Hi,

    I have problem when I try to add background or sprite big size(500x500 or more). I dont see full image, but when I run layout I see that in normal size.

    I have intel hd graphics 3000 on windows 10. I am update driver but problem is the same. Any solutions?


    try to click on "Make1:1" size on sprite properties

  • > Hi,


    > I have problem when I try to add background or sprite big size(500x500 or more). I dont see full image, but when I run layout I see that in normal size.

    > I have intel hd graphics 3000 on windows 10. I am update driver but problem is the same. Any solutions?

    > https://imgur.com/a/jWVCQ


    try to click on "Make1:1" size on sprite properties

    Dont work on that way

  • Appen a .capx?

  • I forgot to wrote some important thing. When I open that .capx on other laptop picture display is fine.

  • I forgot to wrote some important thing. When I open that .capx on other laptop picture display is fine.

    can you append the .capx please?

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  • Sorry I cant, cose I dont know how

  • Sorry I cant, cose I dont know how

    To get the .Capx file just open your project on construct2 and then click file> Save as a single file.

    This will generate your capx file, save this file on any folder of your dropbox account or any other domain, right click on it, select "get public Link" and then send me the link via MP

  • > Sorry I cant, cose I dont know how


    To get the .Capx file just open your project on construct2 and then click file> Save as a single file.

    This will generate your capx file, save this file on any folder of your dropbox account or any other domain, right click on it, select "get public Link" and then send me the link via MP

    I try to attach file here

  • >

    > > Sorry I cant, cose I dont know how

    > >

    > To get the .Capx file just open your project on construct2 and then click file> Save as a single file.


    > This will generate your capx file, save this file on any folder of your dropbox account or any other domain, right click on it, select "get public Link" and then send me the link via MP



    I try to attach file here

    there is nothing that does not go in your project, it's all OK.

    I noticed that compared to the first photo, you have changed something, the dotted line that defines the "window-ingame size", your photo it's original in 1920*1080, if you want to fit in 854*480 you have to set is size *480. and one more thing, avoid this pixel not integer values by right clicking on the picture and align to windows left/top or just put centered/origin coordinates into sprite properties (854/2 and 480/2)

    NB the big blank area you notice is the layout area, you can change this too clicking layout then is properties.

    i suggest you to do some beginner tutorial for familiarize with those basilar things.

  • Ok, thank you

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