I have a problem with the movement of a sprite to be the enemy.
I made this sprite follow the player (behavior bullet + 8 directions moves+move to direction of move player) but c2 rotates the image of enemy and do not want, I want the static image.
Does anyone know how to do?
In the properties for the 8Direction behavior, set 'Set Angle' to 'no'. Also make sure 'Set Angle' is 'no' in all other behaviors that have this property.
yes I have done this but still the same .... to chase the player 1 and make a turn the sprite rotation ..: (
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I uploaded the game to dropbox.
Can anyone tell me how to make the ghost don't rotate to chase the player?
This is the link of capx
Your last event is the culprit:
Sprite2: Set Angle Toward (Sprite.X, Sprite.Y)
Replace the action with:
Sprite2: Set Bullet angle of motion to angle(Sprite2.X,Sprite2.Y, Sprite.X, Sprite.Y)
I have done differently and it worked.
With the plugin "move to" and the action set move to target position to sprite x,sprite y
move to target position to sprite