Problem Develop Login System - PHP + PDO

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  • Hello guys, this:

    I'm trying to make a login system (name and email), I can use the old mysql (following the tutorials you have here in the Scirra site ), but when I put the server generates error - asks to use the PDO. In this, I am using the classse and when I use the example of " Webs pages " works correctly, but when I migrate to Construct 2 nothing happens.

    PS : It took the tag "port=3306" to see if it was the error reason, without success!

    Someone can identify this problem...

    I do not know what to do!!


    Figure 1 - PHP code

    Figure 2 - Events in Construct

  • You should have your PHP server save the $nome and $email to a log file, so you can see if it is being transmitted properly. Then make sure those entries exist in your database exactly as is.

    Also, make sure you are typing it in accurately.

  • Okay, thanks for answering ...

    However, apparently this is how it? Because my question is whether I did right, because then I will analyze carefully where is the error?

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  • There are a lot of different ways that authentication can go wrong, and the best way to debug this is by starting with your API.

    Start here:

  • Okay, gumshoe2029 ...

    I could program a login.php file, however, can not show ( recover ) the user data ( name) in another layer. Can you tell me if and basically like this ?

    And if not, can you tell me how I can do this?!

    Sorry for the delay is that lately I'm running out of internet.

    Figure 1 - PHP code in order to make the Ajax Request

    Figure 2 - Events not Build 2 in order to make the Ajax Request

  • You might be able to use the browser logs in a debugger like Chrome Dev Tools or Firebug (for Firefox). This will at least show you what the browser thinks it is sending to your server. It will not show you what the server thinks that it is receiving though.

    I don't know PHP, so I can't help you with the code itself, sorry.

    The general idea though is to write those variables to a file on your server (which may be your computer if you are running the PHP on your computer), but PHP -- unlike JavaScript -- can write files to computers. Then you can open up that file and see if the username and password are correct.

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