Preview failure Assertion failure: Project model unavailable

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  • How do I get around this error?

    Edit: I'm using the latest version of C2, r236.

    Edit2: Good news! It's working now, after a computer restart. It looks like the error involved may be able to be fixed after a C2 restart or a full computer restart. So if anyone else gets this error, try to restart C2 or restart the computer itself. My guess is that restarting C2 should be sufficient.

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  • I think a similar issue to this has been fixed before, post in the bug section with a .capx example that shows the issue.

  • I appreciate your response. I wouldn't know how to reproduce the issue with a minimal capx in accordance with the bug report rules. I also searched for the issue before posting but didn't find an applicable fix.

  • I searched in forums and it seems to always be a problem with the preview browser. There were a few fixes to 'Project model unavailable' assert, ashley fixed it in backend C2 though rather than a specific fix to someone's project. Could be an actual bug which is why I say to post it there. If it's a huge project or something and you don't want it shared maybe you can email it straight to scirra, not sure what happens in that situation.

  • Thanks I'll do that now and link to this thread in my e-mail.

  • Good news! It's working now, after a computer restart. It looks like the error involved may be able to be fixed after a C2 restart or a full computer restart. So if anyone else gets this error, try to restart C2 or restart the computer itself. My guess is that restarting C2 should be sufficient.

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